Energy Work in the Post Covid Era

For those that believe in or have had massage work before you might have heard or had a session of energy work. For those of you that don’t know a lot about it let’s go over what energy work is (for those that do it will not hurt any to work ahead) and what it’s not because, there is some mis information out there as to what it is and what it is not. Energy work is generally defined as set of practices that recegized organic fields of energy coming from the body or from the area around the body.

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Corrective Exercises

What is corrective exercise? Correct of exercise is a set of skills and techniques that allow healthy people to illuminate compensations or muscle and balances as a result of normal living. For many of my clients have watched my practice evolve over the last 10 plus years no that massage is not only the framework from which I've built everything else but it's also open the launching platforms to expand into several different areas that go beyond massage.

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Why Finish Physical Therapy

I thought it was time to do a blog post about the importance of finishing physical therapy as it's one of the most common cost prohibitive activities to people getting back to regular function after an injury. I believe that there are several reasons that people do not finish physical therapy and first and foremost I believe it's the pain for profit ratio that comes from the injury recovery process.

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Gluteal Amnesia? Dead Butt?

Why is appears so much now with Covid19? With the change in our ability to travel, walk indoors, exercise in gyms as much, our lack of movement gives our body the chance to forget correct movement pattern. Our hip flexors tighten up (think front of the abdominals and front leg muscles closest to the pelvis) and as they do so our bodies starts to compensate for that tightness by not telling your glutes to “fire” in the correct sequence for correct body posture and movement. There is a term for this called muscle fire sequencing is physical therapy and personal training fields.

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