End of 2020 newsletter

First, let me thank everyone who has come in this year for a session. Your continued support through these very difficult times has allowed me to keep my business open when many have closed. The way I have to do business has changed and I appreciate everyone for their patience while I do so.  I'd like to touch on just a few things that I believe are important to share and what you should expect to see in 2021. 

Location: At the current time I have no plans on changing my current location I've spoken with many people smarter than me and a number of different industries and they have all indicated the same thing: I'm better off to stay put. Most everyone I have talked to agrees that crime will fall drastically during the winter and that city leaders have no choice but to rapidly increased police funding and continue to have a police presence in the city of Minneapolis. The second bit of reasoning goes essentially that if I were to try and change locations to somewhere outside of the city rents for units as small as mine have been going up as much as 20% in some places which means that the transition to a different location could very well bankrupt my business before I'm able to get it restarted. I want to assure people that if I ever feel unsafe I would never dare ask a client to come in.

Prices: As many of you know at the beginning of 2020 I did raise my rates for the first time in three years and did eliminate some discounts this was to make a more uniformed pricing system, more on par with my competitors without the need for membership programs or other gimmicks. I have no plans on increasing any prices in 2021 Though I have stated it in the past I would like to reiterate that for those having financial hardship for chronic pain you may contact me for the possibility of doing a payment accommodation. A number of clients have lost their jobs but still need care. In most cases I can provide a reduced fee until you're able to get better back on financial footing that you're more comfortable with. I want people to reach out if they feel they need to so that they don't have to delay care (so many people this year have had to). 

Retail Products: Many of you are aware that I started selling some retail products at the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2019. Some of these products have sold well some of them have not. I have decided to discount several items which I will not be restocking if you're interested in purchasing them let me know or see me during your next session.

New Retail Products: I am also in an effort to support local Minnesota businesses now selling CBD products made by NorthStar Hemp in a limited variety (which began on 10 November). These are products I have experience with. If you are interested please let me know during your next session and if you'd like to see more information about them I will be putting additional information on my website shortly. Some people have inquired about the possibility of using CBD products during their sessions. The way I have chosen to do that is to allow people to buy a retail product and I will use it during their session. The remainder of the product could be brought home or it can be stored here for later use. At first glance this might seem overly complicated but in reality I have been working with CBD products for some time and some of the downfall is that people enjoy the product so much they cannot bring it home with them for legal reasons this way allows you to use the amount you want during your session and take the remainder home if you wish and use it at home as needed or you can leave it here knowing that it's secure ready for the next session.

Reviews: As I always do I would ask everyone to write a review. As I've needed to cut costs due to the pandemic one of the things I've had to do was cut back on some of my advertising and change the way that I present myself to the public. Through organic search results I've been able to get more new clients than ever with spending much less on direct advertising. Your reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and website testimonials allows people to see a little bit of what they should expect when they come here all I ask is for honesty. If you have already placed a review online and one platform please consider doing one and another. Thank You

Out-Calls and Session Accommodations: In my last newsletter post I did talk a little bit about the fact that I have during the pandemic going back to some of my consulting work that I ended promptly in 2019 in order to help other businesses in the massage and bodywork industry deal with pandemic re-opening procedures and policies to ensure the safety of workers and clients. During that time I also advised businesses that to out-call services and after much thought I have re-open the possibility of doing out-call services for clients who are disabled but also those that I would choose not to leave their home to come into the office for a session. I would like to assure people that I have taken a great deal of time and effort to understand the best way to do out-call work safely. In the last several days due to the governors request for more social distancing I have suspended all out-calls operations except for those with disabilities any immediate needs, when it is safer to do so you will see it on the banner of my homepage. 

Session accommodations as a term I typically use when I referred to working outside of my normal business hours. I have offered this in another newsletter published earlier in the summer to accommodate those parents with young children who may not be able to come in during my regular business hours. Because this is an in office service it will be available for the frost seeable future please contact me directly through e-mail or text.

What is The Active MAT Session?: Some of you have been booking sessions online and have noticed that I have offered a new type of service called Active MAT. This is a different style of bodywork with different goals so I'd like to help define it for you briefly so that you can figure out if it's right for you. Active MAT is a form of orthopedic bodywork (not massage) and it is intended for people who are athletes or work out regularly or are they present with bodies functions that come from prior injuries and it's meant to help correct the relationship between the nerves, bones, and muscles. This is a very active form of bodywork where the client participates aggressively in the treatment plan and most clients stay fully clothed and use a variety of devices (cupping, rolling, Red light therapy, and exercises). This requires us to formulate a plan based on a very accurate assessment and then we have set goals that we work towards this also involves another level of commitment by the client to do correct of exercise stretching and other devices at home. This type of session is also going to be used in conjunction with chiropractors physical therapist personal trainers etc. Later in 2021 I will be adding in correct of exercise as well this is meant for those individuals who are otherwise healthy but their body mechanics have changed due to daily living or pass compensation that have occurred after an injury that I've now been corrected this is not a replacement for physical therapy or other medical assessments. 

My overall approach over the last 10 years has been to slowly evolve to provide people with prenatal services, general massage services, and corrective therapy. Along the way I've made steps in that direction. Many of you remember the integration of cupping and red light therapy these integrations were well planned advance. .The use of the active Matt session along with the correct of exercise is the final capstone in the transition into what ultimately I wanted my practice to be over 10 years ago.

To conclude I'd like to again thank everyone for their support this year and I hope to see many of you next year. Your continued support and referrals have kept my business alive and many others of my colleagues have had to close their businesses. With your continued support I hope not only to be around in 2021 but beyond.

Tony Schwartz CMT, MAT, CES

Tony Schwartz Bodywork LLC



Tony Schwartzmassage, newsletter