Healthcare Service Providers 

If you are a license medical service provider or a licensed mental health provider you can use this page to best determine if services provided by Tony Schwartz Bodywork might be right for your patient. In regards to the following situations:

  • You are a mental health service provider helping a patient recover from touch based phobias or domestic violence and are looking for a provider to provide a safe environment for them to practice safe and controlled touch therapy. This is done in conjunction with psychotherapy.

  • You are a mental health service provider helping a patient with PTSD related to combat trauma looking for a safe environment for your patient to begin touch therapy. This is done in conjunction with psychotherapy.

  • You are a medical service provider looking for next step recovery for patients after completing physical therapy, occupational therapy, or post surgical recovery.

  • You are a health and wellness provider (Personal Trainer, Conditioning Coach, or instructor) looking to provide clients with another specialist to “ round out” the needs of the client based on their goals.

Treatment Philosophy & Approach

I am not a doctor nor a mental health provider so when in comes to working with clients with touch phobias, in treatment for domestic violence, or combat related PTSD I always start with a consultation with client for 30 minutes. This allows the person to come and get a feel for me and ask questions. When it comes to physical recovery a PERFORM consultation.

Clients with mental concerns are then invited back with the following things in mind:

  • Clients start fully dressed with shoes on for at least the first session if not longer if needed to make them feel safe and in control. Only then will the client be slowly (and at their own time) undress and cover to a standard massage level of undress if this is not a PERFORM session

  • Clients may request the door to the room be open or someone may come with them and be in the room or in the waiting room (this does not extend to bring children).

  • When reaching and working with arms or legs therapists hands will not grasp only hold them as to not be triggering until the client feels safe (no matter if its 1 session or 10 sessions later.

  • Lighting will be adjusted as client feels safe. Clients can also listen to music (without headphones) they like.

  • At no time should a client think they are going to therapy session rather going through an experience which they can bring back to therapy to discuss.

Payments & Booking Sessions

Clients pay per session at the time of service. Many clients can use their HSA cards. Clients will use the same booking software as all other clients through this website. Have your client (if they would like to move forward) book a consultation so introductions can be made. This is a face to face meeting to make the client feel welcome and from that point forward we work together with the client being our go between.

Transmission of Necessary Patient Information

Unless there is a need for direct contact clients will normally tell me their story. As long as your clients sign a release of HIPPA protected I can review that as well.

Next Step

Contact me directly through the form below or request a phone conversation through the form below with any questions.