Red and Inferred Light Therapy

To best illustrate what it is I'm discussing in real terms I want to bring a scenario into your head: a client comes in complaining of mid back pain stemming from yardwork that happened several days ago. Upon palpation I might discover that some of the muscles have become isotonic. The client states that they needed to use ibuprofen and small amounts for the last several days in order to keep the pain at bay. Are use of the red light therapy in this case can be done at any point during the session….

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How I Work with Your Chiropractor

Chiropractic is becoming more and more common in the United States as people of learned over the last 60 years that it's no longer junk science but a percision method of improving peoples health. Chiropractic like massage therapy and personal training has a number of different methods to get to the same goals some of them have greater effectiveness on people than others but in a general sense still very effective for most people.

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MediCupping and Recovery

MediCupping is a unique kind of cupping in that an electronic air pump device is used with other tools to work large areas of the body at once unlike other forms of cupping which might be isolated to select areas. So a premier example would be working the entire back with a cup about the size little bit bigger than a grapefruit and working it into the entire back. You could also use it over whole joints, legs, arms or shoulders. This method allows us to work on more systemic type problems and larger compensations that are fairly common for certain types of conditions or injuries resulting in soreness or discomfort. One of the wonderful features of medicupping is the ability to adjust the suction pressure so that we can concentrate on different layers of body tissue similar to how someone who applies different techniques in massage can reach different layers of tissue while ignoring others. Facial tissue or some cold connective tissue has been in the news quite a bit recently because the public perception of the importance this interconnective lattice of spongy stretchy tissue that's around most of the internal organs muscles and other tissues in the body.

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