Massage Guns Explained

There's been a lot made of massage guns over the last several years and hopefully this blog welcome up clarify some of the information that consumers are finding and not sure what to take away from it. Personal care devices are among some of the most confusing and miss leading products on the market for the general consumer. The marketing of these devices is highly suspect even with the most reputable of companies. In years past pharmaceuticals personal healthcare devices and diagnostic tools are only sold to qualified practitioners whether they be doctors or physical therapist or even massage therapist sometimes even physical therapists. But like pharmaceuticals among other things manufacturers are now marketing directly to the public to obfuscate any medical professional. Many of the benefits and contraindications are either understated or unproven. This often times leads medical professionals to find out people are purchasing things that will give a microwave short-term benefit in place of long-term solid health gains that are proven by long term studies. There are a lot of reasons for this the most influential in my opinion is the cost of healthcare getting a professional opinion has become more difficult to reach and expensive talk to about wellness. Someone information do we have about the effectiveness of massage out? I could example can be found here: . Many manufacturers like those other products tend to make outlandish claims well attempting to sell these products: . Here's another good example of marketing by manufacturers and paid endorsers:

So what do I think of these massage guns? Most people don’t need them. Foam rollers, trigger point inducers, and even light therapy machines are meant for certain conditions and situations and the use of them should be explained and monitored by a professional. They are taking your money for something that might not be right for you and will have very limited effectiveness if any at all for what is really causing pain or discomfort in the first place. My point is ask before you buy, from someone who wants you to be healthy and not buy junk.

If you have any questions like always please go to my website and contact me with any additional questions you might have.