Meditation Massage Sessions

Meditation massage has been around a few years and incorporates the best elements of mindfulness and bodywork. The therapist guides the meditation while doing the session and can include a change in music along with mild stretching poses. Clients can decide if they want loose fitting clothing to be worn during the session done without lotion or cream or if they want to do a nude session with coverings during session but allowing lotion or cream for the massage part of the session. Sometimes clients will ask about mindfulness tutorials be played during the session that does not involve movement in order to help center their mind during the session. . Rooms are often he need to a higher temperature in order to facilitate sweating as well as can help people relax and center their mind. . If you would like to try one of the sessions feel free to let Tony know before the session begins. As always there is no additional charge for this as you pay for units of time not by the therapy type.

If you have any questions like always please go to my website and contact me with any additional questions you might have.