Choosing a 60 Minute or 90 minute #Massage Session

For those people who are new to massage or are thinking about changing up your massage routine or even for those individuals looking to buy a gift card for someone else here's a simple guide to choosing the difference between a one hour session and a 90 minute session. Most massage sessions are one hour in length they are sold in the United States and they were a couple of reasons for this: the most important one being that many facilities like one hour sessions because it's easier for them to make new appointments for clients or have a set profit margin they know they can count on it because the mark up in a one hour session is significantly higher then a 90 minute session. But 90 minute sessions work well for practitioners and clients like if they want a slower routine and don't mind staying on the table a little longer. So for example if I was buying a gift card for someone who could fall asleep almost anywhere I will give them a 90 minute session instead of a one hour session because they are more likely to enjoy their extra time they receive. If I was a person who has a hard time sitting down for long periods of time and needs to get up and move around a one hour session is more than adequate. Another important thing to consider is that in many circumstances if you request to make you feel more comfortable we can always request temperature change in the room or a change of music in many cases if you bring your own music on your cell phone and don't play it too loudly many practitioners have no problem with that if it keeps you comfortable and on the table longer. One of the other factors that people bring up is the cost between a standard session and a longer session. And I tell people every time I'm asked provide the session do you know the person would want first and the price won't matter. If your goal was to give somebody a gift then you want it to be something they will enjoy. If you're going in peer self think about what you would want not the cost. Just be honest with yourself about the recipient of the time and what their needs are not necessarily what you can afford because if you can't afford it don't buy it.

If you have any questions like always please go to my website and contact me with any additional questions you might have.