Suggestions for a Better Post Massage You

When discussing the topic of aftercare I think it's always best to start from the standpoint of making sure you have time for the service that you want and the result you want from that service. What I mean by that is if you can squeeze in a massage in your otherwise hectic life make sure you have the time to get there and the time to return back to the activities you want to complete for the rest of that day. When you rush through some thing in order to fit it in it has less value. How many times have you or someone else you know set my day is just so busy I just feel like I'm not getting anything done? The truth is you are getting things done it's just not at the pace that is comfortable for you. So I think the first piece of advice is to make sure you give yourself time to get the service you want and the result you're looking for. If you have to come in and relax and then rush off to somewhere else you've lost a lot of that benefit as a result.

The second, aftercare piece of advice I give people when it comes to getting a good massage and keeping it is to make sure that whatever you do follow and make sure it's done and some kind of moderation. If you were going to go have dinner with friends and perhaps a glass of wine there's nothing wrong with doing that but have a little bit of water on your way to dinner. This will prevent headaches tomorrow after the wine and also try and have a lighter meal you'll find that you'll have less digestion issues and you'll be able to fall asleep better. Moderation can also be thought of in terms of daily activities if you're getting a massage and it's intended to be something for athletic purposes like a sports massage if you plan on going to the gym afterwards that's fine take everything in moderation there's no reason to go in for more intense work out have an already worked your body with the body worker earlier in the day take it easy on yourself perhaps reduce your routine or remove intensive exercises for the following day or perhaps later on that week.

And the last piece of advice I would give somebody for a better post massage you with simply be to prepare for the service before you get there. Make sure that any phone calls or other business or handled earlier in the day if at all possible so that you can come out with a clear head there's nothing worse than going into a massage or bodywork session with a lot on your mind because it tends to wear down on you mentally well you were trying to enjoy your session because after all there's nothing you can do about it until after the session is over. A good piece of advice I once got was that most people are just not that important. No matter what other people may tell you or what you may tell yourself the world will still spin without you. This can seem sad but it can also be very freeing because it helps reframe the stress you might feel going into a service which will have an influence on you after the service is completed. 

If you have any questions like always please go to my website and contact me with any additional questions you might have.