What is the Biggest Misconception of People about the Massage Industry?

This is a big question I get from clients and from friends and family and there are two ways to answer this question so might as well address both and save everybody some time. The first way to answer this question is to look at it from the standpoint of working in this line of work versus what I perceive the public thinks of us. So let's dive into each one individually and I'll try and give you the most complete but simple answer I possibly can.

So from the standpoint of the biggest misconception people have about my job is that there is a sexual component to the job or that it's a lower form of healthcare with a sexual connotation to it if you were an individual practitioner versus in a franchise system. A simpler way to look at this is to say that for the general public and as a practitioner it must feel safer or more professional to work in a franchise versus an individual entrepreneurial environment because of the sexual component that people think I have to be a part of. To me a good analogy would be it's safer to eat at a franchise restaurant rather than an individually owned restaurant because the food is safer and the people that work there are less likely to poison you. 

The second is what I think the general public sees as a big misconception. I think the general public has the misconception that somehow they're paying a lot of money for something that they shouldn't be paying that much for. When in reality when you break it down into a smaller components there is some money to be made in this industry but people don't realize they had a professional body worker who was in the line of work for an extended period of time cannot physically work a 40 hour work week it is simply possible to do for any length of time. In reality my body worker only works about 32 hours a week maximum and therefore they need to make more than people realize in order to sustainably make a living and be able to put away for their own savings and retirement plans including buying their own healthcare. 

If you have any questions like always please go to my website https://www.tonyschwartzbodywork.com/ and contact me with any additional questions you might have.