Fall 2022 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for opening up the email for fall 2022! This is going to be a short update so please read those things that matter to you the most and I will see you on the table!

As many of you know I did raise prices last year I have no plans on raising them in 2023 or 2024. If you have a significant financial hardship and you would appreciate a short term payment agreement I'll be happy to discuss it with you on a case by case basis when you come in for a session. There's also a reminder that if you were moving I do offer a free referral service where I will look at the region you were going to and the type of sessions you typically get and offer you referrals to people I can verify their qualifications and other key factors that make your sessions worth going to all you have to do is request that and you can do so before or after you move. I will also send you a release form for your records and I will mail them to your new address to give to your next therapist this is also free of charge.

Don’t forget all the services I offer (purchased as stand alone sessions are as part of a longer session at no additional charge!

  • General relaxation massage

  • Assisted Stretching (think Stretch Lab)

  • Cupping and Medi-Cupping

  • Couples Massage Work Shops

  • Red Light Therapy

  • The Perform Program / Sports Massage

-  Corrective Exercise

Come in in 2023 I have no plans to move my practice, change the price structure, or offer any new services. I will however be discontinuing my CBD products due to a lack of interest. You are always welcome to bring your own CBD products as long as they are in their original consumer packaging and you sign a release.

As always if you want to keep up-to-date please make sure that you follow one of the social media channels including the ones listed on the bottom of my webpage to keep you up-to-date and informed. This newsletter is the only direct marketing I do for clients with the information you provide me on your intake.

If you have any questions like always please go to my website https://www.tonyschwartzbodywork.com/ and contact me with any additional questions you might have.