What is the Difference Between Stress Muscular Tension & Physical Muscle Tension

tension and physical muscle tension? This is coming up more and more as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down and people start to return to normal life. During the pandemic there was a great deal of changes to peoples physical routines and those manifested as working more from home so less physical activity going about their daily life or the stress of isolation or the stress which was much more common of being stuck at home with spouses or young children and having to try and help them conduct their lives away from teachers and daycare providers. The tactile difference between stressed induced muscular tension and physical muscle tension are actually hard to mistake for the other. When we talk about stressed induced muscular tension usually what you find is the texture of the tissue is loose but taunt. Physically induced muscle tension tends to be very dense and tired with no sense of springiness when you push down into it. This does not mean that stressed induced muscle tension isn't real or somehow less important it means that it's different. So you would not necessarily be highly aggressive with pressure or techniques on those individuals who are stressed you would rather use a lighter more rhythmic pressure in a dark and quiet environment to help induce sleep or sleep like response from the body. Where if you have physical muscle tension you want to provide a little bit more aggressive pressure with techniques that are designed to release tight spots using leverage and trigger point release and other techniques. Now a days people go back out into the world and travel or seen a much greater mix of both returned to most people stress and physical tension caused by a variety of factors. 

If you have any questions like always please go to my website https://www.tonyschwartzbodywork.com/ and contact me with any additional questions you might have.